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Communication tips for better teamwork in the workplace

By August 21, 2014Insights Discovery, Teamwork
Communication tips for better teamwork in the workplace

In article we look at how to better understand and connect with people whose dominant colour is different to ours. You will get some quick and effective communication tips for better teamwork in the workplace.

Different types

The Insights Discovery model is based on the concept that we all have and use 4 colour energies that help us form who we are. As you know, these are Fiery Red, Sunshine Yellow, Earth Green and Cool Blue.

Of these four we will have a dominant, secondary and tertiary and lowest. The dominant energy is always supported and balanced by a second and sometimes a third energy. When these energies are very close in intensity it can make the dominant energy hard to recognize.

However for many the influence of the dominant energy is clear to see and hear.

Blue people

Although we don’t get “Blue people” or “Yellow people” (despite some recent photographic evidence), knowing someone’s dominant energy is a great way to understand their style, likes and dislikes.
Here we focus on the dominant energies, and specifically what to do when you meet and have to work with someone with a different dominant style to you.

So think of your colleagues, team members, customers, friends and family and think about what colour energies you see in them and what you think their dominant colour energy is.

Here are some of the hints and tips for more effective communication with people with different preferences to yours.

Cool Blue

In general, when working with somebody with high levels of Cool Blue energy, the type of language that often works is:

  • “This is significant information I think you should know…”
  • “I would appreciate your comments on…”
  • “What alternatives would you suggest…?”
  • “Please consider this and come back to me”

Earth Green

In general, when working with somebody with high levels of Earth Green energy, the type of language that often works is:

  • “What do you feel would be the best way forward?”
  • “How do you think will people feel about this?”
  • “Who else would it be good to involve in this?”
  • “We would be a good time do us to sit and talk about this?”

Sunshine Yellow

In general, when working with somebody with high levels of Sunshine Yellow energy, the type of language that often works is:

  • “I would really to get your input on…”
  • “Can we get together and discuss this?”
  • “I want to discuss some new options with you.”
  • “What’s your view on how we move this forward?”

Fiery Red

In general, when working with somebody with high levels of Fiery Red energy, the type of language that often works is:

  • “What do you think is the best option?”
  • “Can I have five minutes of your time to…”
  • “What do you need and when does it need to be done?”
  • “The deadline for this is…”

The above may seem very simplistic and of course these approaches will not work every time. But the closer we get to people and understand their needs the more we can avoid getting it wrong.

In conclusion; always seek to understand and not judge. Take responsibility for your own reaction to situations and behaviour and try to affect it positively!

It all depends on how we look at things, and not how they are in themselves.

Carl G Jung

I got different strokes for different folks

Cassius Clay, 1966

Every advance, every achievement of mankind, has been connected with an advance in self-awareness.

C. G. Jung, Psychological Reflections

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